Tiny Stories from the Soul
An Inner Path Writing Experience
There is so much within us...
Love, wisdom, curiosity, courage.
Expansive thoughts, and fearful ones.
Letters unwritten, sentiments shared.
Stories of how we've lived in the world
There is power in truly being ourselves
And celebrating our freedom to speak from the Soul.
It is Time to Write our Stories.
Join me for "Tiny Stories from the Soul: An Inner Path Writing Experience" - a beautiful mid-day gathering of writing and connection.
We'll be using the style of centering with meditation, simple ways to invite your Soul to speak, and then short times of writing from spontaneous thoughts that arrive from my guiding prompts.
Whether your Soul seeks to speak through personal stories or simply observations, phrases, poetry, images...you will discover a part of your being that is beautiful and will be heard and affirmed.
There is a tremendous release of energy and joy when we are given the time and space to celebrate our amazing lives, honor our beliefs, and reflect on what is really important to us - and do it through writing. Others need to hear our stories too! So we gather with kindred spirits, have witnesses to our strong and sensitive souls, and join in laughter as we take delight in the crazy things we've done, or share in tender moments.
Through this group, you'll learn powerful ways to get your writing magic going, explore and play with different forms, honor where your soul wants to go, and dance with the music of writing we create and share together.
When: Last Session February:
Tuesday, February 25, 2025 (spaces open)
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Central Time
Fee: $30 US - single session
Payment Options - Scroll to bottom of page
Where: Zoom (Link to be provided in registration confirmation)
Who: Anyone whose soul is yearning to be heard, but needs some help in writing what really needs to be said.The person who thinks they're not creative but will find their home in words. Those who tell stories about life experiences and their friends exclaim "you should write a book about this!" And of course, this is definitely for you if you already write and seek a committed time for freedom to experiment, new ways to spark your energy, fresh topics to reflect on, and support from new listeners.
Beginners to soul-seasoned writers are welcome!
What to expect: Realizations that you never knew existed. Reconnection to the power, mystery, and satisfaction of writing. A non-judgmental confidential space where you can speak freely and be seen and heard. (Note: You will always have a choice to share what you've written, or be a listener.)
Limited to 10 participants.
Through our writing and sharing, we are gifted with
the magnificent realization
of our unique and valued Presence
and sacred place in the world.
Payment Options - Credit Card
Tiny Stories from the Soul: Feb 25 2025 - single
Write from your soul and share in the company of kindred spirits!
There is power in having the freedom to claim and tell our stories.
Online Zoom
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CENTRAL TIME
(Zoom link sent upon registration)